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Cruise is an American self-driving car company headquartered in San Francisco. Founded in 2013, Cruise tests and develops L4 autonomous car technology. The company is a subsidiary of General Motors.

Senior Vehicle Integration Engineer

May 2021 - April 2024
As a Vehicle Integration Engineer I got to work on whatever the latest and greatest major vehicle-level initiative is at Cruise. My team was assigned to a variety of projects such as major fleetwide retrofits and the introduction of a new vehicle platform. I specialized in the role of Configuration Manager and I was responsible for ensuring the stability of incoming firmware and config packages at a vehicle level. I took on other projects as well such as rebasing our primary test branch, developing diagnostic dashboards, and doing similar tasks to my prior roles at Cruise such as managing issue investigations and continuous improvement initiatives.

I was awarded a promotion to Senior Engineer, and my project depth and impact has increased significantly afterwards. I participated in multiple high priority demo events for the Origin L4 platform and integrated safety critical features such as the emergency crash notification system. My last major project was supporting the integration of the Wheelchair Accessible Variant of the Origin, which will have a great impact on the disability community.

Fleet Reliability Engineer

August 2019 - May 2021
As a member of the Fleet Reliability Team it was my responsibility to root cause, contain, and correct issues seen on vehicles across our L4 autonomous fleet. I specialized in sensors and worked primarily on LIDAR and Radar subsystems. I collaborated closely with cross-functional teams, vendors, and Hardware leadership to identify issues and roll out solutions on a wide scale. The scope of my work included mechanical, electrical, and firmware problem solving and I coordinated multiple fleet-wide retrofits. I was responsible for a large amount of documentation during this time and mentored an intern for 3 months despite being a new employee myself.

I was chosen along with other key members of the Fleet Reliability team to participate in the Continuous Improvement Project to support the design and development of Cruise's second generation L4 autonomous vehicle, the Origin. Our primary responsibility was to ensure the lessons learned from the first generation fleet would be carried over to the second generation platform.I worked closely with the Systems Engineering and Hardware Engineering teams to outline design requirements for the LIDAR, RADAR, and Host Vehicle subsystems and the diagnostic messaging and data offload coverage across all components.
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